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 Press Release 

The Chairman/ CEO National Hajj Commission of Nigeria NAHCON Alh. Jalal Ahmed Arabi OON, fwc has visited Bauchi ultra-modern Sultan Saad Abubakar Hajj Camp constructed by the State Government and described it as unbeatable.

The NAHCON Chairman states this today Friday when he paid unscheduled visit to the Camp in order to see for himself the nature of the edifice.

Jalal Arabi while acknowledging the contribution of Sen.  Bala Abdulkadir Muhammad Kauran Bauchi  towards well being of intending pilgrims, described the Camp as the Best in the Country.

He added that Governor Bala Abdulkadir is a patriotic human being, prayed Almighty Allah to reward him abundantly.

Jalal Arabi used the forum to congratulate the  Bauchi State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board for timely and successful airlift of all it’s  2024 pilgrims to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia without a hitches.

Earlear the Executive Secretary Bauchi State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board Imam Abdurrahman Ibrahim Idris expressed his happiness for the visit, saying the visit is a honour to Bauchi State.

On the secret behind the successful airlift of Bauchi pilgrims to Saudi Arabia, Imam Abdurrahman Ibrahim Idris attached it to early preparation and securing visa on time.

Muhammad Sani Yunusa Information officer.

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