Hajj 2024: Return flight operation continues, as another set of 430 Bauchi pilgrims arrives home

by admin

 26th June, 2024 

Another 430 of Bauchi State pilgrims who performed this year’s pilgrimage has returned home.

The MaxAir flight NGL 2008 carrying the Second batch landed sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa International Airport Bauchi today Wednesday 26th June, 2024 at exactly 8:17 am.

The Flight conveyed Local Government pilgrims’ of Toro and Bauchi as well as some members of the Amerul hajj team, Board Members, hajj guides, preachers and other Hajj stakeholders.

Amongst the dignitaries at the flight are HRH the Emir of Misau Alh. Ahmed Sulaiman and a Government official, the Special Adviser to His Excellency, Sen. Bala Abdulkadir Muhammad Kauran Bauchi on Media.

In an interview with the press shortly after the landing of the Flight, the Special Adviser on Media, Comrade Muktar Gidado appreciated the pilgrims for portraying a high level of discipline while in Saudi Arabia, attributed the act to the role played by Hajj officials sponsored by the Executive Governor of Bauchi State.

Comrade Muktar Gidado re-commended the 2024 media team for bridging gab between the Government, pilgrims and the general Public on Hajj operation.

Muhammad Sani Yunusa Information officer

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