While writing a letter to the people of Makkah, Imaam Hasan Al-Basri (RA) advised them of the following 15 places in Makkah where duas are accepted:
- Inside the Baitullah
- At Multazam
- In Arafat
- In Muzdalifah
- In Mina
- While performing Tawaf
- While performing Sa’ee
- At the hill of Safa
- At the hill of Marwa
- At the well of Zam Zam
- At Maqam of Ibraheem
- Under the Meezaab or aqueduct of the Ka’bah.
- Near the big Shaytan
- Near the middle Shaytan
- Near the small Shaytan
In some other narrations places and instances such as Rukne- Yamani, Mataaf (where tawaf is commenced), near Hajr Aswad and on first sighting the Baytullah are also mentioned.
Source: A Guide to Hajj by Maulana Yakub Ismail Patel Kawiwala