8 Significant events that occurred in Ramadan

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Ramadan is a special month for us all for many different reasons. This month helps us grow into our worship and gives us the best opportunity to develop our relationship with Allah SWT. There have been some significant events that have occurred during this holy month throughout our Islamic tradition.

Below are some of the more well-known events as well as some lesser-known moments that took place. It is important to look at the sacrifices and the hardships endured by our pious predecessors who all helped make it easier for us to practice our religion with ease and paved the way for us to arrive at this point in our lives. We must remember their struggles so we can truly appreciate how much those who came before us. It is also equally important to reflect on the miracles gifted to us by Allah SWT in this holy month.

  1. The Revelation of the Quran

“The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion.” 2:185 Ramadan is the month in which the Holy Quran was revealed. Before Prophethood, the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) would often retreat to Mount Hira to seek solace. It was there that the Angel Jibrail (AS) first came to him with revelation. Over the next 23 years, the Prophet (PBUH) would continue getting revelations until the entirety of the Quran was revealed. In this holy month of Ramadan, Muslims recite, memorize, and reflect upon the holy verses given to them by Allah (SWT).

  1. Laylatul-Qadr

“We have indeed revealed this in the ‘Night of Power’. And what will explain to you what the night of power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. Therein come down The Angels and the Spirit by Allah’s permission, on every errand. “Peace!…This until the rise of Morn!” (97:1-5)

Laylatul-Qadr, also known as the “Night of Power,” is one of the most significant days of this blessed month. It is when an act of worship is better than worshipping for 1000 months.

The exact date is not revealed to us, but many scholars believe that this day will fall upon one of the odd nights during the last 10 days of Ramadan, the most agreed upon date is the 27th night. The benefits of praying on this night are endless. We should strive to fully take advantage of these last 10 nights and make dua Allah SWT allows us to be amongst those who receive the rewards of this night.

  1. The Passing of Khadijah (ra) and Abu Talib

The passing of Khadijah (RA) happened 10 years after the revelation. She was the Prophet Muhammed’s (SAW) beloved wife for 23 years. She was the first person to comfort Him after He received revelation. She was also the first person to accept Islam. Shortly after the death of Khadijah (RA), Abu Talib, the uncle of the Prophet (PBUH) also passed away. The passing of these two people was very hard on the Prophet (PBUH). This year came to be known as the “Year of Sorrow.”

  1. Victory at Battle of Badr

On the 17th of Ramadan, during the second year of Hijra, the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) and His companions set out to fight their first battle against the Meccans. The believers at the time were significantly outnumbered by the enemy. Allah SWT sent down angels to aid the Muslims during the battle. Thus resulting in victory. It was also in this war that Abu Jahl, the enemy of the Prophet (PBUH), was killed.

“Allah helped you at Badr when you were very weak. Be mindful of Allah, so that you may be grateful” (3:123)

Conquest of Mecca

Six years after the Battle of Badr, during the eighth year of Hijra, The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was able to peacefully conquer the City of Mecca. The Quraysh and Muslims had entered into the Treaty of Hudaybiya, which allowed the Muslims to peacefully make the pilgrimage to the Kabah. However, after the treaty was formed, the Quraysh violated the terms, thus ending their truce. The Prophet (PBUH) then set out with an army of 10,000 soldiers and was able to peacefully conquer the city of Mecca. This was a turning point for the Muslims, both politically and spiritually. The era of idol worshiping was abolished and the Muslims were able to return to Mecca.

Muslim Conquest of Andulasia

The Battle of Guadalete was fought during the month of Ramadan in the 92nd year of Hijra (711 C.E). This battle was important because it led to the Muslim conquest of Hispania (Andulasia). The war was fought between the Muslim Umayyad Caliphate and the Kingdom of Visigoth.

Battle of Ain Jalut

The Mongols were a very powerful empire that had never been defeated. Everywhere they went fear and destruction followed. The Mongols wanted to destroy Islam and expand their rule into the west. However, the Islamic Empire did not want that to happen. With only one stronghold left in Egypt, the Muslims went into the battle with the Mongols at the location of Ain Jalut, thus resulting in the victory of the Muslims. This was the first time the Mongols had ever been defeated. The outcome of this battle saved the Islamic empire and halted the Mongolian empire’s expansion to the west.

Battle of Hattin

The battle of Hattin was a war between the Muslims and the Crusaders. The Muslim army was led by Saladin. His army confronted the Crusaders and drove them to back against the two largest hills, the Horns of Ḥattin, hence the name of the battle. This strategy of Saladin led the Muslims to victory. He was able to annihilate the Christian king of Jerusalem, thus allowing the reconquest of the city.

May Allah allow us to heed the critical moments in our Islamic history so we may be more grateful and heedful believers and allow us to be in a state of gratitude for the sacrifices of those who were martyred for their belief ameen.


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