A large village located along the road to Al-Madeenah from Makkah. It was called as such because floods stroke it and its people in some years. When the Prophet arrived at Al-Madeenah, he found it unhealthy and his Companions suffered fever. He then said: “O Allah, make us love Al-Madeenah as much as You Made us love Makkah or more. O Allah, make it healthy and bless its Saa‘ and Mudd (i.e. measures), and take away its fever to Al-Juhfah.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] Al-Juhafah used to be the site of Ihraam for the people of Egypt, Ash-Shaam and Morocco, but when it was destroyed and became inappropriate for pilgrims, people replaced it with a place called Raabigh, which is a little closer to Makkah, about 186 km from it.