The Hajj Committee of India has extended the deadline for the second instalment payment to the 13th of March 2024 for the Indian Hajj pilgrims.
A circular dated 9th of March published on the India Hajj Committee website stated that “The 2nd instalment of Balance Haj amount @ Rs.1,70,000/- by the provisionally selected pilgrims of Haj-2024 was to be deposited by 10.03.2024 as per the Circular No.l0 dated 23.02.2024.
Now, representations and requests are being received from State Haj Committees, various organisations and individuals to extend the date for depositing the Advance amount.
ln view of this, the last date for depositing the 2nd Instalment of Balance Haj Amount is now hereby extended up to 23:59 hours of 13th March 2024.