The Acting Chairman of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), Malam Jala Ahmad Arabi is currently in Saudi Arabia on his first official visit since his appointment to oversee final preparations for Hajj 2024 for Nigerian pilgrims.
Malam Arabi is leading a team from the commission and they have already hit the ground running participating in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Minister of Hajj and Umrah and the Nigerian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Arabi also chaired a number of meetings with not just NAHCON staff but members of the Association of Hajj and Umrah Operators of Nigeria (AHUON) among others
The Head of Public Affairs at NAHCON, Fatima Sanda Usara provided an update on the activities of the NAHCON chairman so far and it is reproduced in full below:
After conclusion of the MoU signing, the Acting Chairman, Malam Jalal Arabi entered into three other meetings to update members of the different contingents on the outcome of meeting with the Saudi Foreign Minister.
Malam Jalal Arabi drew attention to the reality of insufficient time therefore urged everyone to redouble efforts so that the teams can soon seal deals on most vital aspects of Hajj. The meetings lasted until after 1:30 am Saudi Arabian time on Monday 7th January.
Major highlights of the meetings include:
a- Relay of information from the Minister of Hajj and Umrah that the only way NAHCON would be guaranteed proximity to Jamrat in Mina is through early payment of deposit:
b- That the predicament of space in Mina is not a NAHCON concern alone, the Kingdom is looking at ways of expanding the capacity of tent city.
c- All State Executives Secretaries or Chairmen were guided to take advantage of the service providers’ open market to negotiate cost effective services for their pilgrims. The NAHCON Chairman informed the meeting that there will not be uniformed Hajj fare this year: the cheaper a state’s cost of accommodation and feeding, the cheaper the state’s Hajj fare.
d- States are to plan their individual menus which would be used during negotiations.
e- He cautioned members at the meeting that the team of NAHCON’s facilities’ inspectors will not compromise standards.
NAHCON to Tour Operators:
1-The Chairman appreciated the maturity exhibited by the Private Tour Operators for their collaboration to work together as a way of moving forward. He reminded them to commit their agreements on paper for future reference.
2- Tour Operators were admonished to
explore liberalization of Mutawwif services in settling for those that would best serve their pilgrims.
3- To the NAHCON staff,
Redouble efforts. Work with updated guidelines.
Further preparatory engagements continue with working visit to Mutawwif company better known as Mu’assasa, GACA, Car Syndicate for Pilgrims’ transportation, Adillah in Madina among others. The Chairman and other members are expected to strike good bargains on behalf of Nigerian pilgrims that would reduce cost of the 2024 Hajj fare
NAHCON will continue to update its several stakeholders on its activities for transparency and inclusivity.
Usara is Assistant Director, Public Affairs-NAHCON