JUST IN: Seek medical assistance from Saudi Arabian Hospitals, NAHCON Advise pilgrims in Makkah

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The national hajj commission has advised Nigerian pilgrims currently in Makkah to seek for medical attention from any Saudi Arabian Hospital nearest to them because the Saudi Arabian Health Ministry is yet to grant any Hajj participating country the permission to start running clinics in Makkah

See the full announcement below

NAHCON ANNOUNCEMENT: For the Attention of Pilgrims in Makkah

The Medical Committee under the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) wishes to advise pilgrims who have arrived in Makkah to seek medical assistance from any of Saudi Arabian General or Specialist Hospitals nearest to them. This advice has become necessary because the Saudi Arabian Health Ministry is yet to grant any Hajj participating country the permission to start running clinics in Makkah. Any pilgrim having difficulty in locating such hospitals is advised to contact any of our National Medical Team members (NMT) as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, All NAHCON clinics in Makkah are fully staffed and equipped awaiting approval

from Saudi Government – Makkah MoH. Hence as soon as the host country grants authorization, the clinics will start running 24/7 in its normal tradition. In the meantime, ALL pilgrims are advised to shun self-medication, please.


NAHCON Medical Committee

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