by admin



As Salaamu Alaikum, All Praise and thanks are due to ALLAH (SWT) and salutations on our Beloved Nabi Muhammad (SAW). The South African Hajj & Umrah Council (SAHUC) was invited by the Ministry of Hajj & Umrah (Ministry) to a virtual Hajj preparatory meeting on Tuesday the 17th of October 2023.


The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Hajj 2023/1444H and aspects relating to Hajj 2024. SAHUC was given the opportunity to provide their suggestions and feedback to the Ministry with regards to Hajj 2023/1444H.


The Ministry presented timelines with milestone dates which are key to ensuring early finalization of Hajj arrangements for Hajj 2024/1445H. To begin with, the Ministry was pleased that SAHUC had started the operator application process. Applications opened on the 9th of October 2023 and submissions close on the 3rd of November 2023 at 17h00. SAHUC plans on completing the application reviews and accrediting the Hajj travel operators during the month of November


In Shaa Allah. We are planning to publish the Hajj accreditation list later this year, subject to discussions with accredited Hajj operators, In Shaa Allah.


Please follow us on our social media platforms for the latest developments on the accreditation list for Hajj 2024/1445H. Timelines as mentioned by the Hajj ministry: a) On the 4th of November 2023 all the Muassasah offices are required to have the 5 days of Hajj prices available with a list of all the service deliverables. This will be uploaded onto the E-Hajj portal.


Once the prices are available, the Hajj mission (SAHUC) would need to engage with the various Muassasah companies and select one company for South Africa. SAHUC has already engaged several service providers and we are awaiting for pricing & deliverables to make an informed decision. b) 1st of January 2024 is the first milestone that the Ministry has stipulated. All contracts with role players and service providers are to be completed. Last year South Africa and SAHUC were recognized with an award for reaching this milestone within the best possible time frame. c) From the 8th of January 2024 until the 11th of January 2024, the Ministry will be hosting all Hajj Affairs offices from around the world at a conference in Jeddah.


The purpose of this conference is to conclude all agreements regarding the quota and contracts with various stakeholders. The current quota allocation for South Africa is 2500. d) Should contracts not be concluded by the 1st of February 2024, the Ministry of Hajj requires the Hajj Affairs office (SAHUC) to reach out to them requesting for assistance to get those contracts finalized. All contracts must be finalized by the 25th of February 2024. e) From the 1st of March 2024 pilgrim’s visas can be issued. All visas will have to be issued to Hujaaj by the 29th of April 2024. f) From the 9th of May 2024, which corresponds to 1st of Dhul Qadah, pilgrims with Hajj visas are allowed to arrive in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


The last day for entering the Kingdom on a Hajj visa is the 4th of Dhul Hijjah. We urge all the prospective Hujaaj to please take the time to view their position in the queue via our Dynamic portal, which has opened on the 1st of September 2023. To view your position in the queue, visit our website www.sahuc.co.za , click on registration list, enter either your ID number or your SAHUC reference number.

If you are not ready to perform hajj next year (for financial or personal reasons), please log a query online via your portal so that we can move your application to a future date. All those Hujaaj who still require linking to your spouses or Marham’s, please conclude this exercise as soon as possible as we will not be entertaining mahram request during the accreditation phase.


If you cannot find your details on the website or seek any clarity, please call us on (010) 001-9101 during working hours (Weekdays 8:30 – 16:00) or log a query on the website via your portal. You can also view the ” How to Guides” on the website for a comprehensive guide on how to raise a query online. We request your duaas and please do remember our Muslim brothers and sisters throughout the world who are experiencing difficulties.


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