From October 4th, the first phase of resuming Umrah will be initiated when local pilgrims can perform Umrah which have to be booked in advance through a special application called اعتمرنا which would be released on IOS and android on 27 September.
According to details by Arab News, during the first phase Umrah pilgrims will be granted a 3 hour time to complete their rituals of Umrah i.e circumambulating the Ka’bah seven times, the performance of 2 rakah Sunnah behind the station of Ibrahim, running between the Mounts of Safa and Marwah seven times (Saee) and the shaving or shortening of hairs. During the first phase, only 6 thousand pilgrims would be allowed to perform their rituals.
This has been done to allow the maximum number of pilgrims to perform Umrah and remaining within the precautionary measures. Over time the restrictions will be eased through various phases and the expected date of the uplifting of all restrictions would be on 1st November.