Indian pilgrims decries poor services in Mina, Complain of over crowding in Tents

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Complaints include lack of cleanliness in the camps, inadequate food, and overcrowding in the vast tent city in Mina where pilgrims stay during the five-day rituals. HCI did not give its response to this newspaper’s questions about the allegations, saying that the offices were closed for Eid.

Indians who were part of the annual five-day Haj pilgrimage that concluded on Tuesday have complained about mismanagement by Haj Committee of India (HCI) officials.

Complaints include lack of cleanliness in the camps, inadequate food, and overcrowding in the vast tent city in Mina where pilgrims stay during the five-day rituals.  HCI did not give its response to this newspaper’s questions about the allegations, saying that the offices were closed for Eid.

Hajis took to social media to complain about the woeful conditions in the camps. One pilgrim from Telangana said in a video released on social media. “We were treated worse than beggars. It is the total failure of the Haj Committee of India which is responsible for taking care of Hajis.”

Pilgrims said the Indian camps were overcrowded and dirty and the HCI officials in Saudi Arabia were unhelpful. “There was no cleanliness in the Indian camps. Each of us paid more than Rs three lakh for the pilgrimage, but we were treated like we came for free,” said a pilgrim.

Shams Chowdhury of Mumbai-based Haj Pilgrims Social Justice Group, a trust that helps and trains pilgrims, said there are reports that tents that could accommodate 80 to 100 pilgrims were crammed with double the number.

 “You can blame the Haj Committee and the government for this, but there were more pilgrims this time. It was not just the Indians who suffered, but pilgrims from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Turkey faced similar difficulties,” said Chowdhury.

Source: free press journal 

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