Breaking: CBN suspends issuing Hajj 2024 BTA via payment cards

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The Central Bank of Nigeria has  suspended the issuing of Basic Travel Allowance (BTA) to Hajj 2024 intending pilgrims via payment cards.

A copy of circular from the CBN seen by HAJJ REPORTERS dated 17th May 2024 and signed by AG Director of Currency Operations department Solaja Muhammed J. Olawumi which was sent to commercial banks said “following the urgency and observed time constraint in respect of the airlifting of the 2024 Hajj pilgrims, the Management of CBN has graciously approved 100% cash payment to the pilgrims.

” In view of the above, you are expected to include in your rendition reports to CBN, stamped copies of international passport of the pilgrims.

“Kindly note that this notice supersedes the earlier modalities for 2024 Hajj Operations forwarded to you. An official letter to this effect will be forwarded shortly.”

Recall that the apex bank had informed the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), States and the Armed Forces that that the payment of this year’s Hajj BTA, which was pegged at $500 per pilgrim will be issued in the ratio of 60/40% cash and card 

The bank said only $200 will be given in cash while the balance of $300 will be given in cards 

The decision generated a lot of controversy because of the expected challenges on the use of cards by average Nigerian pilgrim in Saudi Arabia.

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